We all love our beautiful, adorable little pets. Even after they chew up the couch cushion and soil the floor, you can’t help but give them that extra treat or five minutes of petting when they give you those sad eyes. The worst feeling in the world for a pet owner is seeing their little buddy in pain.
As a caretaker, you have an important responsibility to make sure your pet is healthy and free of infections. By doing so, you’ll not only improve their quality of life, but you and your loved ones lives as well.
1. Vaccinate your pets. Veterinarians strongly recommend that you take all adult animals in for a checkup at least once a year. Part of this process is making sure your furry friend is examined so the vet can make vaccination recommendations. Pet infections are always evolving and it is crucial to keep up with whatever the latest threat to their health is. With puppies, you ideally want them to receive a combination vaccine, or a “5-in-1”, which requires vaccinations at two, three, and four months of age, and then once every year after that.
2. Spay or neuter your cats and dogs. Many common ailments of cats and dogs can be avoided by getting them spayed or neutered. Bob Barker isn’t just talking to hear the sound of his own voice; this is a crucial step in ensuring the health of your little buddy. In fact spaying your female pets drastically reduces their risk of breast cancer (50% in dogs, 90% in cats), while neutering your male pets prevents unwanted litters and eliminates the risk of testicular cancer if done before six months of age.
3. Pets can not only improve their own health, but yours as well. Besides greeting you excitedly when you get home from a long day at work, keeping your pet free of infections can have some other great benefits for you as well. A recent survey found that 35% of women have been more attracted to someone because of their pet. Also, dog owners are much less likely to be obese than their non-pet owner peers who miss out on those relaxing and healthy walks around the block.
Tests and vaccinations for your pet should be a regular part of your yearly schedule, and nothing is more important in the treatment of pet infections than preventing them from ever happening in the first place. If your pet is ever acting lethargic or different in any way, visit a vet urgent care facility and make sure you find the problem before it gets any worse.