Many species are kept as pets today, mostly for the companion ship that these animals provide and the beauty of those animals. Domestic dogs and cats are two of the most popular species to keep as pets, but birds, snakes, hamsters, rabbits, and even tortoise and tarantulas are also popular. Dogs, in particular, are considered a classic pet and many adults and children alike love the idea of getting a dog or puppies. Some breeds are particularly popular, such as the German shepherd. Someone who would love a new shepherd dog may look for German shepherd puppies in their area, available from responsible breeders, pet shops, or other trustworthy parties. It may be noted that some dogs are bred in inhumane and often illegal conditions, so dog buyers are urged to make sure that a seller is reputable and treats their animals humanely. Dog shelters are another fine idea, since many puppy and adult rescue dogs need a new home. A German shepherd puppy might be among them.
Owning a Puppy
Puppies and kittens are similar to human babies, in that they are juvenile and will spend most of their time either asleep, eating, or playing. A puppy who’s a few weeks old will sleep for 15-20 hours in the day, like how a human baby sleeps for 16 during the day. A 10-week-old puppy, for example, will in fact sleep through the entire night. In general, a puppy may be considered an adult dog when it is one year old. These puppies and dogs are plenty popular; it is estimated that some 78 million dogs are owned by American households today, and some 44% of households have at least one or more dogs in them.
Someone interested in German Shepherd puppies may start the search online if they don’t have a personal reference to use. For example, someone living in Phoenix, Arizona may search “german shepherd puppies for sale in phoenix” or “german shepherd breeders in Dallas TX” to find something local. A seeker may also use their ZIP code to find something local, and find a reputable breeder of german shepherd puppies. The interested party may visit these breeders in person to ensure that all dogs there are treated humanely, and to ensure that the puppies and dogs there are healthy and able to co-exist with people. After someone finds the right german shepherd puppies to buy, they may take their new pet to a vet’s office for all necessary vaccinations, medicine, and more.
Pet Care
Someone who buys german shepherd puppies must of course be ready to take care of their new charges, too. After all, a dog is a living thing, and even if it’s a cuddly one, it may suffer from disease or parasites in some cases. The good news is that nearly every American community has one or more veterinarian clinics in it, and a new dog owner may take their puppies there for checkups and more. At a vet’s clinic, the new dog owner will be given medicine to apply to their dog, typically pesticides that will kill any present fleas or ticks and prevent any others from attacking that dog. Such pests may be a health hazard to dogs due to the diseases transmitted by their bites, so such medicine will keep a dog safe. A dog may also get medicine that will kill and keep away parasitic worms such as heart worms, which may be a serious health hazard.
A dog may also suffer physical trauma, even puppies, so a responsible dog owner will take their hurt pet to a clinic and get help. A dog may get a sprained shoulder or joint, or it may suffer a bone fracture or a hurt hock joint. If this happens, the dog’s owner may take it to the vet to get dog leg braces or ankle wraps put on. These items will help support the leg or the joint, and allow the dog to walk and stand normally without further distressing the affected joint, bone, or muscle. A pet owner may even get a therapeutic dog bed for their pet while it recovers. These bed are thickly padded and conform to the dog’s body, so its affected limb or joint won’t be further distressed while laying down.