Treating depression has, and likely will, never be an easy or straightforward process. Not only are there the overbearing symptoms that keep many from seeking treatment, but there is also a strong societal stigma working against patients everywhere. Nowadays, the stigma is not nearly as bad as it has been in years past, yet still it lingers. There are benefits to the reduced stigma though, some of which have been improving day by day to make living with mental illnesses easier for citizens all over the United States.
One such improvement, for example, is the introduction and nearly nationwide acceptance of emotional support animals. An estimated one in four (26%) American adults live with a diagnosable mental disorder in any given year. Whether depression, anxiety, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), or any of the many other mental disorders that are prevalent in today’s society, many symptoms can be eased and worked on through the obtaining of ESA training and documentation. While there are plenty of opinions — both professional and otherwise — on which animals are the best pets for depression, it really depends on each patient and the specific situation in which they live. Pet therapy for depression can be extremely helpful no matter what kind of pet you have, there really is no one magical list of best pets for depression, it is a lot more like a scale with different variables. Obviously when anyone is discussing the best pets for depression or anxiety, dogs are sure to be near the top of the list. Not only are they strong, loving and intelligent, but in their case there are many benefits of certification in the emotional support animal process. If you have your dog registered and trained as an emotional support animal, not only will they be better equipped to take care of you and help you through your condition, but you will then be allowed to take them almost anywhere you need to go. You will be able to fly with your pet, and bring them shopping or into restaurants, so even when by yourself you will not have to feel as though you are facing the world alone.
This brings me to a final and very serious point: you must make sure your pet is properly trained and registered before presenting it as a qualified emotional support animal. If it is properly trained it will know the difference between work and play time and your dog will stay calm in social situations. This training is vital, as without it, your pet will become to disruptive and ruin the ability of anyone with their own ESA’s to bring them into stores and such as necessary afterwords. These services exist for those who truly need them, not those who wish they could have their dog with them at all times just because. As long as this fact is kept in mind and respected, registering for an emotional support animal can and will be an extremely rewarding process.