Marketing your vet clinic these days is actually getting pretty tricky because companies and businesses really have to keep up with technology to stay ahead of the game. It isn’t good enough anymore these days to cover your bases with the old tried and true methods of advertising like radio, television, and billboards. You have to go to where your customers are, which these days, means the internet — which is where a lot of people go to find a vet. You also have to go about it the right way. What’s just as important as knowing what to do is knowing what not to do. Here are three of the worst internet marketing mistakes you can make.
Have a bad website
Your professional website is going to be the foundation of the rest of the internet marketing tactics you employ. Vet websites are bad if they are not user friendly, unattractive, or reflects inaccurate information about you, your clinic, and your products or services.
Ignore social media
Another huge veterinary marketing mistake is not to make use of social media. The majority of people are a member of a social media site like Google+, Facebook, and Twitter and check them every single day. Get on social media and share some cute cat videos between plugs for your clinic.
Not have a mobile version
Eighty percent of people between the ages of 18 and 34 use search engines to find a vet, and you can bet that some of them are doing it from a mobile device. If you’re a mobile device user yourself, then you probably know how frustrating it can be to try to navigate a desktop website on a four inch cell phone screen. This is why not optimizing your site to be viewed on a mobile device is a huge mistake.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of the worst internet marketing mistakes you can make. What are some things that you hate about websites or other arms of a business’s web presence? Let us know in the comments.