When you decide to become one of the estimated forty four million households in America with a dog, you will need to find a veterinarian. When you are finding a vet, consider that you will be making two or three vet visits per year. Veterinarian hospitals will use a veterinarian assistant to support the pet owners and vets. Here is some of the work a veterinarian assistant might do for you and your pet.
Doggy Daycare and Boarding
Some dogs and puppies need the socialization and attention provided by puppy day care. Other times, owners need to board their dog when out of town or unable to care for their pet for a period of time. A veterinarian assistant may coordinate day care and boarding visits. When dropping off and picking up your pet, the veterinarian assistant may escort your dog to and from the play or boarding area. During the stay, the veterinarian assistant may feed dogs, administer medications or walk dogs staying at the clinic.
Coordinating Visits
A veterinarian assistant will begin your visit to the vet. After getting you to the examination room, the veterinarian assistant will ask the purpose of your visit. He will record any questions you want to ask a veterinarian about your dog. Since you will spend an average of close to four hundred dollars per vet visit, the veterinarian assistant will make sure the doctor addresses all of your concerns.
Clinic Upkeep
A veterinarian assistant knows which veterinarian supplies are needed for each visit. He will collect supplies and keep examination rooms clean. The doctor may ask the veterinarian assistant to follow up with pet owners after surgery or when they call with questions about medications or other concerns.
A veterinarian assistant plays an important role in the functioning of an animal hospital. They are often the first person your dog will meet at the clinic. Dog owners view their pets as part of the family. A good vet will employ caring and compassionate staff that appreciates the love you have for your companion.
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